My name is Jetta Argue. I am a miniature poodle born in January 2003.
My mommy has always had a dog since she was 5 years old – Tinker Belle (a
toy poodle), who lived to be 18 years old and Spritz (a poodle, terrier cross),
who lived to be 17 years old. I am told that while both of these dogs were
officially my mommy’s, they were really my Grandpa Gerry’s pets.
My daddy isn’t a dog person, so when Spritz passed away, my mommy had to do
some major fast talking to convince him that she really couldn’t live without
a dog in the house. He agreed, on many conditions,
the major one being that the dog had to go to obedience school.
Thus, on March 1, 2003, at the tender age of 8 weeks, I was brought home by my mommy and Grandpa. I have a big brother – Kitty. We took some time to get adjusted to each other (he almost killed me when I was a little fur ball!), but we are now the best of friends...
In keeping with the agreement, my mommy began sourcing obedience schools. She talked to my doctor (Dr. Randall) about choices and he recommended Barbara Lloyd and the Dog's Den Training School. We were enrolled in our first class – Puppy Manners. As I am so smart, I didn’t really need much training, this class was really focussed on my mommy and how she needs to interact with me. We met my now “Auntie Barbara” and two of her puppy training dogs – Daisy Doolittle (a Staffordshire Bull Terrier) and Riot (a Rottweiler). Together, we learned all the basic obedient doggy rules – sit, stay, down, off, loose leash walk, go to matt – all in a very positive approach. Using a clicker, my mommy was able to reinforce my positive behaviours and let me know I had done well by clicking and treating me. We quickly formed a puppy/mommy bond and I have often heard my mommy telling people that I am her first real dog as I only have eyes for her, even when my Grandpa is visiting.
One of the other important parts of this first class was my interaction and socialization with other dogs. As I mentioned, Riot was one of the puppy example dogs. When we met, he was about 18 months old, but he was huge, even for a rottweiller!!! I was never scared of Riot – he was my biggest, best friend. He used to just lay on the ground and let me sniff his ears, clean his teeth and snuggle up to him. He could have easily had me for lunch in one small gulp, but that was not in his temperament, or any temperaments of the demo dogs that Auntie Barbara uses. They are all very calm and charming.
My mommy and I had so much fun in that first class that we decided we would take a puppy agility class. This was awesome!!! I had so much fun learning how to jump hurdles, tip the teeter, and climb the wall. All the time I was learning (and really playing), I was constantly rewarded for my good performance and gaining confidence in my abilities and surroundings, and most importantly, cementing that bond with my mommy. We took other classes too (Around Town Manners, Clicks and Tricks and two other advanced agility classes). I made many other friends taking these classes, including dogs of all sizes, and of course Artemis and Gabriel – two more of Auntie Barbara’s dogs.
Auntie Barbara recognized my interest in agility and suggested that we join an agility club and think about competing at agility trials. We joined Fast Tracks Agility in the winter or 2006 and have competed in several trials since then. I have won ribbons in many events, but my most exciting moment in agility was this summer when I qualified in a Standards run at the Grenfell trial. You can look up my agility achievements and statistics at My mommy and I often stay in hotels when we attend these events and I am so well behaved that the people there have said they would never have known that there was a dog in the room!
I continue to learn and grow each day as my mommy and I train and play together. I know that a large part of my knowledge and trainability comes from the foundation work that we did at the Dog's Den Training School.