We have 2 dogs named Bindy and Maxie. Bindy is a 10 month old brittney spaniel and Maxie is a 13 year old toy poodle schnauzer cross.

We have attended 2 classes at the Dog's Den with Bindy. The first class was puppy manners and the second class was puppy agility. Both classes were a lot of fun for all of us (parents/children/dogs). Barbara's approach is both fun and effective. In the puppy manners class Bindy learned to leave, sit, down, stay, heal, and mat. Most importantly Bindy learned to socialize with other dogs and people. Barbara's approach is to use the dog's natural instincts rather than choker collars or other harsh discipline. I was a skeptic at the first couple of classes. I was used to the more traditional dog training methods. However, as the classes went on Bindy started getting it and so did we. We signed up for the puppy agility class. This class was an opportunity for our daughter to work with Bindy and both of them did an excellent job and had a lot of fun. We will sign up for further classes.
In addition, Barbara helped us with an in-home consultation to help socialize the 2 dogs. Introducing a bigger energetic puppy with a smaller older dog can be a challenge. We were having some problems because the puppy would not leave the older dog alone. Barbara gave us several techniques which have been very effective in dealing with the issue.
We would highly recommend both Barbara's classes and consultation service.
Randy, Regina, SK - January 20th, 2008